Mitt Romney


Mitt Romney, Republican candidate for president was a successful businessman, CEO of Bain Capital, a leader in his regional Mormon community, who then became Governor of Massachusetts and is now running for president. Politics, business and religion run in his family. Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, was the 4th of 7 children of his parents, born in a Mormon community in Chihuahua, Mexico. He would grow up to be a prominent businessman, President of American Motors, and three time governor of Michigan. He ran for president but did not win, and spent years as Secretary of Housing & Urban Development in the Nixon Administration. He also devoted a significant part of his life to leadership within the Mormon Church. His wife, Lenore LeFount, Mitt’s mother, started out moving to Hollywood as a movie actress and later ran for the Senate from Michigan, but also did not win.



Want to read more about Romney’s relationships and family tree? Buy the downloadable pdf for only $2.50. Opens and prints on Mac or PC. Nine pages includes photos, multiple genograms, discussions of Romney’s family and career.

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An excerpt from the Romney Genogram Story by Monica McGoldrick: